Nolan Shelinsky checks his Apple Watch right as he leaves his house to get to school.
Rolling out of bed is one of the hardest things to do throughout anyone’s day. Many people create a personalized routine for their mornings to help them spring out of bed and get ready for their day.
“I think a morning routine helps you first start your day off on a good note, and it motivates me second off,” said SCH student Jake Warren (‘25). Jake likes to take his time in the morning. His morning routine starts with him waking up at about 5:45 am, at 6:00 am he begins by taking a shower and by 6:15 am he makes himself a tea and relaxes watching some tv. At 6:45 am he brushes his teeth and gets dressed for school, after he makes sure has done all his school work at 7:10 am. And at 7:30 am he drops his mother off at the train station before making his way to school.
Nolan Shelinsky (‘24) has a more complex morning routine because he has two different ones depending on which house he is at. “When I’m at my dad’s, I wake up at 6:30 and I’m outta the house by 7:08… when I’m at my mom’s, I also wake up at 6:30 and I’m out by 7:02.”
In his morning Nolan starts off by brushing his teeth right after waking up, doing his hair and getting dressed. At his dad’s, after he changes and goes downstairs, he will feed and let his dog out then make himself breakfast and pack his lunch and before leaving he will let his dog back in.At his mom’s, when he goes downstairs there will be breakfast waiting for him and he will eat that then pack his lunch and be on his way. When asked if he wished he could do anything else in the morning, Nolan said, “Eat a more fulfilling breakfast,” which was a common answer for other students, such as Paul Cifra (‘25) and Ty Caplan (‘24).
Ava Decesare (‘24) gave a similar answer when asked, “I wish I could make myself a cup of coffee. I usually grab a coffee at some point throughout my day and wish I could just have it when I start my day.”
Ava said it was essential for her to have a morning routine because “it keeps me organized and makes sure I’m not running late.” She also said her morning routine is usually about 30 minutes.
“First I wake up and I usually sit in my bed for 5 minutes and then I go to the bathroom and I brush my hair, brush my teeth, pick out my school clothes, put on some makeup if I’m feeling it, some perfume. If I have a little extra time I will watch Tik Tok and pack my bag before I leave.”
For everyone interviewed, their morning routine was very similar. The only differences between the routines were time spent on certain things and order at which they went through their mornings. Obviously some people had their own unique quirks but ultimately a very similar schedule.
The overall group of interviewees also essentially agreed upon the fact that having a morning routine was a necessity to start their day. A morning routine keeps your morning organized and efficient to get out the door while also getting you mentally prepared to start your day.
Although it may feel better to lay in bed and fall back asleep, people believe it is better to get up and go through a routine to start your day on a good foot.
As senior Ha’oa Bode put it, “My blanket is my warm and fluffy best friend. So, I know that if I lay back down, I’ll be behind in my morning routine and I would have to rush my morning. Which wouldn’t translate well into school time.”