Kira Vakil
Periodic Table in Mrs. Zeka's classroom
From November to March, honors science students can compete in the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science or George Washington Carver Science Fair depending on their course. Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science, or PJAS, is the science fair for physics and chemistry students, while George Washington Carver is for biology students. Around Thanksgiving students start their projects, being able to present any topic they want, as long as it relates to the class they are in. The first round of PJAS takes place at a high school where you are assigned to present to judges. The next round is called states where you can go to Penn State Main campus for a weekend to compete a second time for a chance to win scholarships. The George Washington Carver Science Fair is held at Temple Campus in Philadelphia. The secondary competition is invite-only and is also held at Temples’ Campus. Jenna Seidman, now a senior, competed in the George Washington Carver Science Fair for the 2023-2024 school year: “I created a project about whether or not the length of your fingernail is an indicator of anxiety.” Both of these fairs give students the ability to expand their learning and curiosity. Best of luck to the students at SCH competing!